And so life goes on and time inevitably just goes by unnoticed... Unnoticed to us while we rake in to traffic and rush towards our goals we seemingly never take time out of our daily life to stop! Breath... Notice wat is actually happening around us? Taking it all in, soaking it all up, and for once let the world turn around us, instead of us turning around the world!
Wat keeps us so tangled up in the literary sense?! Daily tangles we need to get undone?! For some moving mountains, some getting that first place, that promotion, that masters?! Something uve been akin for so long? Some just the recognition that lets you slip away unnoticed?!
So that's why God made us humans so unique, we can think?! We can make decisions and we can do what we believe in doing, doing wat only we want to do! being totally and utterly in control of everything around us... being free to do wat only the heart desires!
So being... its different for each and every one of us. Everyone wants different things out of life? Life's resources can full many a cup... Forever?! do you think so?! If so for how-long? Can the human keep on surviving for so long or how long could we cope with the turning of time?! Instinct, they say that's wat makes us to be more smarter everyday, more sufficient more productive keeping in-mind to building around safety, protection, perfection and drive! Forming a shield a barrier that protects us for a better way of tomorrow!
Before we turn off the light and go to sleep to night, just keep in-mind that somewhere, some place there is someone, that has just got up for that same exact reason and the sun will shine as it always does... and shine over all of us everyday for the rest of our days!
He has a plan for everything, and everyone. A rhythm of notes which become your existence once played in harmony with Gods plans!

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." King James Version, Genesis 1:28
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