Monday, August 8, 2011

"Does Spirituality Require Religion?"

Well, perhaps.

The main issue here, it seems to me, isn’t so much knowledge as wisdom. Science has given us plenty of knowledge and plenty of doubt to go along with it. What science cannot give us is guidance in our lives. Though it has to be said that psychology does help in that direction at least a bit.

From a theosophical perspective there are roughly five possible sources of inspiration:
  1. Lying spirits
  2. Nature spirits who know the dynamics of the area they rule, this can included angels and arch angels who stay in touch with the whole world. Rule is perhaps the wrong word here, but I can’t find a better. My sense is that these spirits are sort of the personification of the collective spirit of that area.
  3. Our own Higher Self: not all knowing, but the repository of all our own wisdom gathered throughout several lives.
  4. Mahatmas and other human beings who communicate clairvoyant. These may be good or bad or indifferent just like ordinary human beings are.
  5. Last but not least: any of the above, mixed in with our own conditioning's and expectations and depending on your religion, Christianity.

Let me quote Blavatsky herself:

There is a road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a road, and it leads to the very heart of the Universe:
I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inward only, and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore.
There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer;
there is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through;
there is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount.
For those who win onwards there is reward past all telling — the power to bless and save humanity;
for those who fail, there are other lives in which success may come.

Notice the values of courage, spotless purity, strong intellect and ultimately ‘the power to bless and save humanity’.

None of those values can be got by becoming a channel, because to become a channel is at best a way to let the unconscious speak out, at worse the road to dependence on impulse and grand sounding words. Don’t get me wrong: it’s a good thing to know what you’re unconscious is saying and it may even be a good thing to immerse yourself in it for a while, but ultimately the conscious mind has to gain enlightenment and it can’t do that by walking away from the responsibility of being alive.

As perhaps you all have noticed: I have not written for a while. That was because I was myself struggling with the temptation to become a channel. I could not write about spiritual issues before the choice was made. Wisdom Man, Banjo Clarke, an Aboriginal Elder reminded me of the value of real human wisdom. It may not be as ‘perfect’ sounding as channeled messages, but it’s a lot more practical and real.

Yes I know now then we all are left with the question of "Does Spirituality Require Religion?"

So I went on the search to find out more about this and came across this...

The search for spirituality and a higher power is one that makes its way into a person's life inevitably. Organized religion is a common place for people to begin their search for spiritual answers.

This, however, does not always provide the direction that fits a person's personal beliefs and dispositions towards a spiritual attitude.

The debate must include other abstract conceptions of spirituality, in conjunction with the tenants of organized religion, in order to be a wholesome and fulfilling conversation.

There are many sides to the spiritual debate, and the inclusion of all attitudes ensures that the dialogue is entirely pertinent, accepting, and beneficial to all participants.

And just like that the question does spirituality  require religion became so clear. you cannot have the one witout the other, or having one automatically qualifies you in both.
You get it now?!

So i geuss iam going to let you in on a little secret a yogi in malaysia told me..

That in the end it will all become clear to us all...
        To search my friends as much as you can and I promise you...
                   You will find wat your looking for....
                                Even if it take a lifetime, you will get your answers....
                                         Good luck!!!

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